At, we take the safety and security of our users very seriously. We want to ensure that our users are protected from scams and malicious content, and have put measures in place to address any issues that may arise.
If you encounter a situation where you want us to review a specific NFT or collection, there are certain examples that qualify for a report. These include:
- Copyright infringement
- Phishing scams in the description of an NFT
- Impersonation
- Stolen art
- Hate-speech of any kind, and general violations of our Terms and conditions
All reports are reviewed by a specific team and are addressed with consideration of the details provided and any previous context. If you have previously reported an NFT, user, or collection and have not seen action, please feel free to reach out again so that we can verify that the appropriate course of action was taken.
Please note that general support requests for a specific NFT are not reviewed by the same team that handles reports of violations of our terms of use. If you have a general support request that is not related to a report, the only way to receive assistance is to create a ticket on our helpdesk.
If you have any questions or concerns about the safety and security of your transactions on, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are committed to providing a safe and trustworthy platform for NFT transactions, and are always here to help.