How to buy NFT with a credit card?
Navigate to the homepage. You have an option to select an NFT directly, or you can go to “Artwork'' in the page header. You can also search for the NFT that you would like to buy. If you have already decided on an NFT, simply do the following:
- Click buy NFT for EUR 000.00.
- Click “Continue” buying with a card.
- Select your country and enter your phone number.
- Enter the 6-digit verification sent to your phone.
If you are a first-time user, just follow the journey. The journey will guide you through the verification process. You can also refer to the article “How to get verified?”.
- Continue buying and confirm purchasing. Click “Add New Card” and enter your card details.
- Enter your payment details.
- Enter your billing address.
- Click “Confirm and Pay” to process your payment.
Do not press anything while attempting to purchase.
You will see a note on the payment and delivery status on your screen if successful.You have an option to download or email your receipt for proof of your purchase.
- Complete buying by pressing “Finished”.